Hybrid format

Considering the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the EFTF-IFCS 2022 conference will be following a hybrid format. Attendees who can join the conference in-person are strongly encouraged to do so. For people residing in countries where travel/health restrictions will prevent them from joining in person in Paris at the time of the conference, virtual options will be available for presenting and viewing the conference content. All authors of accepted papers, regardless if participating in-person or virtually, are required to present.

Poster presentations

The conference will have two poster sessions:

  • A traditional on-site poster session accessible to in-person participants. The maximum size for the posters if 100 cm (width) by 200 cm (height). There is no poster template.
  • A virtual poster session accessible from the conference virtual platform, accessible to both in-person and virtual participants.


  • Both in-person and virtual participants are required to upload a PDF version of their poster, that will be accesible to all participants via the conference virtual platform. The submission deadline is April 1st, 2022, please follow the instructions below.
  • Finalist of the student poster competition are required to present their poster to the jury in the virtual platform at a time that will be specified. In-person students will also be able to present their poster on site.

Oral presentations

If authors are unable to present in person, they will have the opportunity to present live via Zoom, or upload a pre-recorded video of their paper presentation. Presenting live via Zoom is highly encouraged, and will provide the most benefits to both authors and attendees.

Authors who intend to present their talk on-site or live via Zoom do not have to upload a video of their presentation before the conference. Their talk will be recorded live by our technical staff and will be available on the virtual platform for virtual attendees

Authors choosing to upload a pre-recorded video still have to be present via Zoom at the physical session time in order answer questions from the audience. The pre-recorded presentation should be comprised of a brief introduction with webcam, if desired, followed by voice over slides for your presentation. In order for the technical program committee to verify your videos and approve it for publication in the virtual conference platform, you MUST finalize and submit your video no later than April 1st, 2022.

Instructions for recording your presentation

Guidelines for preparing your video:

  • Duration: 15 minutes
  • File size: 750 MB (maximum)
  • Video file format: mp4
  • Dimensions: Minimum height 720 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9

Please note the final specifications will be checked at the time of submission and files not compliant may not be uploaded.
Please be sure the video includes the title of the talk, your name, and a mention to EFTF-IFCS 2022.

Uploading your oral or poster presentation

  1. Visit the Author Submission Webform using the URL you recieved by mail
  2. Fill out your Information
    1. Optionally (highly recommended since this will be used as your user profile in the conference virtual platform)
      1. Upload a headshot photo
      2. Include a Biography in the available text field
  3. Upload your Presentation file(s):
    1. PDF of your presentation slides or of your poster
    2. For oral presentations only: video in mp4 format (max of 750MB is allowed)
  4. Wait for your files to finish uploading into the system
  5. Submit the form by selecting the Submit button at the bottom of the screen
  6. A confirmation message will be presented upon successful submission and a confirmation will be emailed to you

Be sure to retain this information in case you need to make future updates to your submission. Updates will be accepted until April 1st, 2022.

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